Irrigation Mastery Blog

Spring into Scheduling - Part 3 of 3 base schedule irrcalc irrigation apps irrigation scheduling peak schedule scheduling calculator Apr 22, 2020

By Lori Palmquist

This is the third of a three-part post on irrigation scheduling. To read part two, click here, and to read part one, click here

In this last post of the series, I’m sharing the web application I use in my practice. It’s a tool I created several years ago to...

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Spring into Scheduling - Part 2 of 3 inline emitter tubing irrigation apps irrigation scheduling line-source drip Apr 21, 2020

By Lori Palmquist

This is the second part of a three-part post on irrigation scheduling. (To read part one, click here.)

As I said in part one of this post, I was asked by a survey respondent recently to talk about how to translate how much water each plant in the landscape needs … into...

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Spring into Scheduling - Part 1 of 3 how much water irrigation apps irrigation scheduling Apr 20, 2020

By Lori Palmquist

Spring has burst upon us in its unstoppable wonder and glory. Even as we try to figure out how to navigate the losses and uncertainties this season has brought us this year, Nature is offering her bounty for us to adore.

Here in the Bay Area of Northern California, we’re a...

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