I Won an Award!

hunter award leaders in sustainability Dec 21, 2019


By Lori Palmquist

I’m super excited to report that Hunter Industries has named me as one of the five winners of their Ann Hunter-Welborn Circle of Excellence Award for 2019. That’s me in the lower left-hand corner of the screenshot above. I have to say that I am thrilled, proud, blown away, delighted, humbled, inspired, and apparently awash in adjectives.

Award Recognizes Leaders in Sustainability (from Hunter’s site):

“At Hunter Industries, sustainability means achieving a balance between the People we affect, the Planet we impact, and the Profits we earn. What we’ve discovered over the course of our sustainability movement is that we cannot achieve our goals alone. The Ann Hunter-Welborn Circle of Excellence Award recognizes outstanding individuals, companies, and organizations for promoting sustainable practices within our industry.

“We hope that by sharing the accomplishments of the award recipients, others will be encouraged to join the cause. As the years pass and more recipients are selected, we want everyone to feel inspired by what this award represents to us and the communities in which we live, work, and play.”

A Class Act

The creation of such awards to acknowledge the efforts of others to make this world a better and more sustainable place is not only an act of social responsibility, but is indeed a class act. To know that I am seen and appreciated in such a big way truly makes my heart sing. When corporations step up to being socially and ecologically responsible, and become role models for the rest of us, the intentions and dedication behind those actions are the guiding lights that lead the way and inspire us all.

People and Products of Hunter Industries

The people and products of Hunter have been keenly instrumental in my efforts to empower myself and others to preserve our precious resources of water and the energy that’s used to purvey it. I count Christine Hawkins, Chris McNairy, and Don Franklin as my mentors and steadfast co-creators of change. I’ve worked and taught alongside the three of them for many years. To know that THEY think so highly of me is something I hold dear, and always shall.

I offer my sincere and humble gratitude for this amazing gesture that is truly the high point of my 30-year landscaping career. I shall cherish this award and these moments of satisfaction for a long time to come.

Visit the Award Web Page



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